Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gearing up for the holidays!

Delaware Camera's gearing up for the holidays, so here are just a couple quick updates on what's going on.

1) Now through Nov. 13th we're offering our shoebox scanning special, where you can bring in a box full of photos, up to 1200 prints, and have them scanned and burned onto a CD for only $99.99. On November 13th, that special is going away, to let us gear up for our busy holiday season in the lab. So if you've been thinking about availing yourself of this most excellent service, now's the time to do it.

2) Speaking of which, oh gosh it's November already! Time to get your holiday cards taken care of! Now through December 1st we're offering our customary Early Bird Special, which is 50 of our 4x8 flat photo cards (with envelopes!) for only $19.99, or 50 of our designer 5x7 flat photo cards (also with envelopes) for $29.99. It's a great deal, and gets you off to an early start. Order in either of our stores, or using our online system-- you can specify whether you'd like them shipped to you or left at one of our stores for you to pick up at your convenience. Use the coupon code HOL50 at checkout to get the Early Bird price.

3) Last but not least-- we have CLASSES again!!! Stephen's back and he's teaching seminars at both locations. So far we have three different classes-- an intro to basic digital photography, an introduction to using a digital SLR, and a more advanced class on SLR lenses.

Stop by and see us sometime. More to come-- we're also revamping our online presence, starting with our website, and including our Blogger, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.

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